Vinyl Liquid

Vinyl Liquid for car and bike

Vinyl Liquid to paint any part of your car or motorcycle. Paint peelable of high quality and finish. Currently in the market there are different brands that sell this product as plasti dip, evus, full dip, plastidip and car dip. In Audioledcar you do a summary of all of them to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Official distributors of the brand WrapWorkers® in Europe.

We have all the RAL range of colours available for you, choose yours. Easy and simple to apply. We have two formats: Vinyl liquid spray 400 ml to apply the vinyl liquid directly and cans of 4 liters to apply with a spray gun or electric compressor.

The main difference between this type of paint and the other is the ease to apply it. The vinyl liquid does not require pre-treated or sanding the surface but, on the contrary, it is applied directly over the original paint protecting it. Once applied, the vinyl liquid can be removed like a sticker, they were without leaving any residue and can return to the original color of the car. The only requirement to apply this type of paint is that the surface is completely clean and dry.

It is advisable if we are going to paint a whole car wrap and cover glass and headlights. Once painted, these will be removed in moist and will be a perfect fit between the vinyl liquid and gums.

Manual on how to apply Vinyl Liquid. Before anything we need to check that you have:

-Well-ventilated area

-Paper and tape for masking

-Face mask

-Eye protection/goggles

-Latex gloves



1. Choose a suitable area to paint the car (this ventilated and can leave it to dry for 24 hours)

2. Gather all the materials and the vinyl liquid WrapWorkers.

3. Prepare the car: clean with a precleaner and then encíntalo.

4. Make sure that the surface is completely clean and dry before painting.

5. Cover headlights and pilots.

6. Mix the paint thoroughly. Remove paint that has a homogeneous mixture.

7. A practical one-piece insulated to see that the paint doesn't splash.

8. Paint the car for parts, waiting for a drying between each layer of 5-15 min.

9. Never touch the vinyl liquid while dry.

10. Paint up to a total of 8 layers with the vinyl liquid WrapWorkers.

We recommend that in the first layer, let dry the car for 30 minutes, and then start to spray again. This first layer serves as a primer.

When spraying the rest of the layers, be careful not to make it too wet or it will start to run.

This process should be repeated at least six times more to get the best finish.

Remember that if you do not spray the layers enough, the paint will peel well in the future.

Each additional layer will increase the durability and the ability to peel your wrapper liquid so it's worth paint a minimum of 6 layers.

We remind you that we also sell vinyl car in various colors of the brand WrapWorkers Series. Any doubt contact us


First of all remark that the products that we stock vinyl liquid are the colors of the RAL range of colours but we do not have the color codes. That is to say, we do not paint specific to each vehicle.

WrapWorkers has two product formats:

-vinyl liquid spray 400 ml (if we want to paint to a surface or a product of action is not very extensive).

vinyl-liquid in cans of 4 liters (this products typically purchased by professionals should be applied with a spray gun or any other mechanism valid).

What is the difference between vinyl liquid and a normal paint?

It is normal to ask this question. The main difference is that the paint (for example, rear-view mirrors) are usually need to sand the surface. The good and the highlight of the vinyl liquid is that you do not need to sand, putting the vinyl liquid directly form the layer without the need to have prepared before the surface.

*Important* you must always take into account the state of the surface, if it is very damaged like yes that has to be sanded.

What do I need to vinilar a part or a whole car?

The first thing we need to keep in mind is to make the installation of vinyl liquid in a ventilated area (this is one of the most essential data to be taken into account).

We also need paper and masking tape to cover and protect the areas that we don'T want to be viniladas.

Please, also take into account the use of prevention products such as masks, goggles, gloves to prevent stains, etc

*Important* if what you want is vinilar a complete car, cover glass, lights and when we finish painting, we'll remove it covered with the paint wet for that we have a perfect cut between what is painted and not.

I already have all of the tools, how do you put the vinyl liquid?

Before you begin the installation, take into account that we need an area that is outdoors, and we can allow the painted surface to ventilate for 24 hours without the possibility of damage.

Once we have the area clean and ready, we will have that the car is completely clean (you can use any type of cleaning product from outside of our catalogue) and we'll put the tape on the parts needed (cover lighthouses, pilots, etc).

We need areas that are going to be viniladas with our vinyl fluid are completely dry.

We'll start mixing the formula (in the case of the paint liquid) or by shaking the can in the case of vinyl liquid spray).

Subsequently we started with the painting, extending the product on the surface and leaving the paint to dry between 5-15 minutes of clock.

*Important* do NOT touch the vinyl as this in the state of drying.

Below and keeping the area dry already having spent the minutes recommended, we will have to have 8 layers of vinyl. That is to say, to repeat up to 8 times the process of painting.

*Important* Usually the first layer is as if it were a primer for the car so we recommend that you leave it to dry the layer up to 30 minutes to get the best results. And repeat this process up to six times.

If the installation process does not respect the waiting times or how to install it in the future when you want to remove it, you may not do so well.

To take into account: 1 layer = durability and remove it in the future either.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either by phone or by email, our agents will be happy to assist you.

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