Spray varnish-gloss single-component professional finish. High quality and resistance. Spray lacquer easy and fast to apply, perfect to give the final finish to our jobs and to protect the painting. Durability 10 years. Soft touch.
Varnish for Car and Bike
Shine varnish for car or motorcycle. Spray varnish mono-component, transparent gloss to finish off our jobs. Resistant to the outdoors. Their most common use is in the automotive industry but can be applied in any sector.
Varnish gloss is ideal to apply on the jobs of our cars. A must-have if you want to protect your paint against sun, water, scratches etc
Application form:
1-Apply on surfaces to which they have been painted previously.
2-The surface must be dry to apply the varnish.
3-Apply two coats at a distance of 10-20 inches over the entire surface of the piece to barnizr. Apply the varnish glow in amount to achieve a professional finish.
Drying time between each coat: 20 min. Time of drying: 30 min in normal conditions.
Specialists in varnish brightness. With a professional finish.
Technical data sheet varnish :
Varnish single component made of acrylic resins does not amarilleantes high resistance to abrasion and weather influences such as UV radiation, sudden temperature changes, salt fog, etc, all of this is designed for direct application on bodies, to give a shiny finish, < 5% gloss angle 60o/60o. Complies with regulation of maximum content of VOC as per directive (1999/13/EC).
Application varnish :
Designed, to apply as a final layer in all kinds of bodies, such as: -private Vehicles - motor Coaches - Buses - Trucks - commercial Vehicles in general - Coating of structures and chemical industry in general. Approved as M-1. It can also be applied and used on other type of surfaces (consult technical department) to create a glossy finish or shine.
Caution varnish :
Caution should always be present. These paints are highly flammable, and should be avoided the exposure to fire or high temperatures. The container must not be punctured or attempt to be filled in once complete its maximum capacity (400 ml), since they are containers filled to pressure, and any mishandling could cause the explosion of the same.
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