Radar Detector Genevo Pro DUO, without a doubt, the best radar detector that exists. Now with two antennas to a greater distance of detection.
Detects fixed speed cameras, mobile phones and hidden installation. In addition to possibility to configure it, if your vehicle has waves that interfere. Detects all frequencies of radar: KA and K, MTR (multaradar CD, and CT, Gatso or also called multicarril).
Genevo PRO Duo
In Audioledcar.com we are lovers of the world of the automotive industry, and we have in our catalogue of the most recent technologies and developments that come out to the market. This is why we present the radar Detector Genevo® PRO Duo - fixed speed cameras and mobile phones.
GENEVO is a manufacturer of radar detectors and Detectors Radar GPS of the highest quality with over 14 years of Experience in the sector, which have led him to become a genuine reference.
The radar Detector Genevo® PRO Duo - fixed speed cameras and mobile is a powerful computer on-board multi-function capable of operating only as a detector GPS, only as a radar detector, or both functions simultaneously. Thanks to the new mode legality is possible to use this device with the function of radar detector where use is not permitted.
It has a Display, removable, and a dual antenna GENEVO HDM+ fast generation that makes the best radar detector installation in the market, leading to some excellent sensing distances, thus increasing the time available for reaction in front of a radar, and a precise detector GPS. Your installation it is advisable that you make a professional. The anti-radar is composed of a control unit, 2 antennas, detectors, GPS antenna, self-powered loudspeaker, and, as we mentioned above, Display removable.
But, What stands out the radar Detector Genevo® PRO Duo - fixed speed cameras and mobile?
If you are still in doubt whether to acquire a device like this, here are reasons that will convince you to:
Two antennas, higher effectiveness and better performance. The Genevo Pro DUO has two antennas detectors connected, with bands of detection selectable in each a of them, that will ensure the highest performance and the best sensing distances of the market. With one of the antennas placed in vertical position, will be able to detect radars in KA-band cabin, tripod and car camouflaged. With the other antenna in the horizontal position, we will detection of the radar of the latest generation such as DAHUA, MultaradarCD, MultaradarCT and Gatso, as well as the arches in KA-band.
Working with the database more accurate of Europe. The basis of GPS data of GENEVO is the most accurate of all Europe, and has no rival in the market. Managed by GENEVO, includes warnings for fixed speed cameras, radars, traffic light, also known as `fotorrojo, radar section and, in addition, possible radar camouflage.
Update fast and simple. The update of the device can carry out the user, without the need of going to the Technical Service of the brand. Simply we will need to access the web GENEVO (https://www.genevoupdate.com/es/), make configuration of parameters, and download the appropriate file to the update on a USB memory. Subsequently, connect the USB memory to the input of the device GENEVO PRO, and both the update and the configuration will be performed automatically.
The use of radar detectors it is completely legal in some european countries, but in many others, and specifically in Spain, its use is not permitted. This is not a major issue, since the radar Detector Genevo® PRO Duo - fixed speed cameras and mobile phones have a Display with which you can turn off the device easily and at any time simply by removing it from its base, and re-enable it by reconnecting the Display. The connection and disconnection of the device is extremely simple, as both sides are magnetic, which facilitates the reaction time without taking your eyes off the road.
The mode legalization becomes the device in a detector and meter GPS. This function enables you to carry it installed on the device and its use in those countries, for which regulations are illegal radar Detectors and laser guns, disabling the function for detecting and leaving only operational function of Detector GPS 100% legal, receiving notices GPS for fixed speed cameras, traffic light and stretch (Basically as GPS applications most commonly used, but much more precise).
We know that the function of detection of radar is turned off because the Display only appears `DETECTOR GPS, in addition to the speed indicator.
Using the radar Detector Genevo® PRO Duo - fixed speed cameras and mobile in this mode, the device is completely legal, and complies with the new Law 18/2021 of 20 December (BOE-A-2021-21006)
In short, the radar Detector Genevo® PRO Duo - fixed speed cameras and mobile is the perfect accessory not only for those who spend hours on the road by profession, but also to individuals who want an efficient driving, safely and without scares.
So take a look at the rest of our catalog at Audioledcar.com and you will find a wide range of devices and accessories GENEVO!

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