INTERIOR DRESSING BadBoys, the perfect product for the protection of plastics in the interior of your vehicle.
Interior Dressing BadBoys help to protect and enhance the color of the plastic elements can be found in the interior of the car. Is indicated both for matte surfaces such as brightness.
You can choose Interior Dressing BadBoys with the smell of cola, chewing gum or cookie.
Is presented in the format of a 500 ml.
Protector-of-plastic-interior - INTERIOR DRESSING BadBoys
Interior Dressing BadBoys is a product dedicated to protect the plastic, which is located in the interior of the vehicle.
Interior Dressing BadBoys with the ability to protect and enhance the color of items made of plastic, vinyl and rubber.
Can be used in both matte surfaces or with glitter. Uses a small amount of Interior Dressing BadBoys and help of a microfiber. Removes excess product with another microfiber clean and repeat the process for applying a second coat.
Interior Dressing BadBoys has a format of 500 ml and you can choose between fragrance of cola, chewing gum or cookie.
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