Shop Protective Boot Opel | Covers Boot for Opel

Cover Tailgate Opel

Carpet Protector Boot Opel

Protective boot for Opel , anti-slip measures, and specific forms for each car. Protects your vehicle against moisture, sand and dirt in general. In addition, the edge prevents spilling dirt into the carpet of the car. Keeps the trunk of the vehicle as the first day, without any kind of smell or wear.

The carpet protectors Opel are ideal for not wear on our car. Their most common use is for transporting pets (such as dogs or cats) or for the practice of mountain sports or sea.

The buckets of trunk Opel are made of PVC and polyethylene, the best material that exists for this type of products because it is very tough, easy to clean, does not tear, is waterproof and leaves no odors in the car.

How do I clean the cover tailgate Opel?

Very easy, the cover tailgate Opel is you can clean with soap and water. Does not wear out and your waterproof layer make this dry out very quickly. Very recommended if we want to keep our car in perfect condition. Keep in mind that if we do not protect our vehicle from wear, this will be less value in the second hand market.

The useful life of the protective boot Opel is approximately 15 years. At the end of that time you will lose properties of elasticity and water resistance so it is recommended to change it.

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Customer Questions and Answers

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    Question about Opel - Combo van, 2 plazas 2017, :

    Buenas tardes, busco una alfombra de maletero para una opel combo van de 2 plazas, con puerta corredera lado copiloto, me podéis decir que modelo es,

    Answer: Buenos días. Como es bastante complicado poder indicarle por el tipo de vehiculo, necesito que me mande foto y asi me aseguro al cien por cien de que el producto que le indico es el correcto Un saludo.

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    Question about Opel - Combo Life :

    Buenas, quería saber si tienen alguna alfombra protectora para la Opel Combo Life del 2019, con la forma del maletero que la que veo en la página es una cuadrada que por las medidas no cubre toda la superficie delaletero.

    Answer: Buenas tardes, Le remito enlace del producto compatible con el modelo de vehículo que nos indica. Es el único compatible con las especificaciones de modelo. Reciba un cordial saludo.

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    Question about Opel Astra - Sports tourer k:

    Bom dia. Tenho uma carrinha opel astra de 2017 e gostava de comprar um tapete para o porta bagagens. Gostava de saber qual o tapete que aconselham e as medidas do mesmo. Obrigado, cumprimentos Miguel Serafim Gostava de saber o

    Answer: Bom Dia, O seu veículo é uma carroceria hatchback? Nesse caso, você tem uma roda sobressalente ou um kit de reparo de furos? Uma saudação.

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