Kit Paint Wheels

Spray Paint Rims

If you want to paint wheels on your car you have a few options in terms of types of paint for car for tires. You can do this with vinyl liquid (you can remove once painted as if a sticker it were), or with acrylic paint and traditional paint finish permanent). Within the traditional painting we encounter several options:

Painting car spray, it Is a type of paint that you use the spray precisely to fix the paint to the wheels of a car. With this method you can get a good finish and the tone you want but if you are looking for the highest accuracy, it would be better to opt for a paint applied with a brush.

Inside the spray painted tires we also found the epoxy paint. It is a type of painting of the long-lasting durability that you get good finishes. Within the paintings of aerosol we also find some types of paints that are dedicated to give extra protection to the vehicle.

You will also find paintings tire spray. It is a type of paint for rims bilayer that is usually go with a varnish to mode of coating provides high resistance to wear. This type of paint can be a gloss, satin or matte finish.

The spray tyres is characterized by being an economic option that will allow you to renew the tires of the car, your motorbike, bicycle or any other vehicle with a very interesting price. They are easy to apply and very resistant to rallazos. Have a great performance as already happens with other types of car paints because, for example, with a simple pot of spray paint can be painted, approximately, up to two tires.

In the event that you opt for a kit paint for rims in a bright color and different to the usual the best thing is that you look at the tone that is and if it is really the one you want. Keep in mind that you can find in the market to paint for rims in fluorescent shades.

Another option that is common to a lot of it is to paint wheels of the car. For this we use multifunctional epeciales for that purpose.



How do you put the paint for rims?

If you want to install it yourself kit painting of tires, we recommend you the following, that is: patience. Not for the installation, but that if we want to paint the tires without dismounting them, we have to use tools such as masking tape or a deck of cards to plug the tire. *Important* our kit tire is valid for wheels up to 20 inches, greater than that, you should buy more paint and more lacquer.

We will apply paint to the rim allowing it to dry, and covering the tire completely of paint. Once you have the tire completely dry, apply lacquer to a distance of twenty-five centimeters.


I've gone through the steps, I have skimmed the rim, and it has spoiled me the matte black color that I put in, how can I fix it?

Normally what we do, and we advise our customers is that once they have finished using the product, in the case that I have left over product, is to remove the gas from the spray and thus be able to continue to use in the event that at any time you make any scratches, wear, etc


What do I need to paint my wheels?

Apart from having our kit tire to proceed with the painting, we need to prepare the work area. We are working with products that are in bug spray, so we always recommend to be used in open areas or ventilated. In addition to using what is necessary, such as gloves, mask, protective goggles, etc

One of the tools most used by our customers, is the gun spray 400 mL. This gun what it does is it helps us to distribute the product evenly over the entire surface. As simple to clean as a solvent mixed with water and distributing it on with a cloth for the whole gun.


I want to put a orange fluoride but I wear the red glow of the series, how can I change the color without the red?

Always depends on how you have applied the red. If it is vinyl liquid, with a little solvent, will help us to be able to remove it without a problem. If the rim is painted with acrylic paint or specific rims, we recommend that you remove the wheel, since what we have to do is a little more complicated than normal.

And it is that we have to start by sanding the rim with care until we get the original color of the rim. When we finish, we will have to clean up the rim so you don't run any trail and proceed with the orange paint. Once the paint dries, we'll start by applying (or not, because it depends on the taste of the customer) the lacquer.

In case you want the rim, matte *important* the finish gives the lacquer, not the spray paint though in the boats put matt and wants to lacquer shine, the finish gives the lacquer, this question is very common in our customers.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via live chat, email or over the phone, our agents will help you with no problem.


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