LED lights Opel. Light bulbs Led for your car

Pack LED lights Opel

LED bulbs OPEL

Discover all the packages of led lights Opel that we have for your car. With these packages of led lights you'll be able to change the light bulbs, led interior, led glove, led shade, led plafonier, led trunk and led position. All the packs of lighting containing led bulbs Opel more sold. In addition, all the led lights Opel have a discount of at least 20%. Take advantage of the occasion and renews the led lighting of your car. We stock a wide range of led light Opel, discover what you recommend and if you have any doubt, please consult us. Experts with more than 5 years in led lighting from automobiles will advise you which bulbs to put for your self. Remember that we have a Blog where you can make any query about the led bulbs Opel and read the subject very interesting about the fascinating world of led.

Install LED Opel, how to do it without breaking anything?

It is simple, the first thing that we do in order to install leds in the Opel will be to see our video tutorial YouTube installation of led. In the we can see how we can access the various sites of the car to put the new led bulbs. The caution that have to be kept in mind is that every time we go to install a led must turn off the connector that lights to avoid any kind of short circuit.

If your car is canbus (it has a sensor bulb is burnt out), don't worry, all of our packs of led lights for Opel are intended to prevent this type of failures so that you will not have any problem, I will simply disassemble old-fashioned bulbs, and put our pack led for Opel

The duration of the led bulbs Opel is unlimited, so you won't need to buy a replacement. The only thing that affects the led bulbs is moisture and vibration. With vibrations that can issue you a car no problem and the humidity only need to take into account in the license plate lights. You should make sure that the soffit is completely sealed and no water.

Specialists in LED lighting Opel, any questions please consult us

You have doubts? Here we explain in more detail You have doubts?

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Customer Questions and Answers

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    Question about - Zafira 2017:

    Quería cambiar la luces a led las actuales son normales serían las delanteras gracias

    Answer: Buenos días. ¿Podría adjuntarnos por favor el casquillo de la bombilla? Un saludo.

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    Question about opel - corsa:

    Hola buenas me gustaria cambiarle las luces del interior de mi opel corsa e (2019) (modelo que se fabrico de 2014 a 2019). ¿Que luces necesitaria?

    Answer: Buenos días. Para ese modelo de coche no disponemos, disculpe Un saludo.

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    Question about Opel - Astra j 2010:

    Buenas, quería saber qué bombillas tengo que ponerle y si necesito adaptador para las luces delanteras y antinieblas delanteros

    Answer: Buenos días. Le comento que no disponemos de base de datos para ver que tipo de bombilla lleva cada vehiculo Andres. Un saludo.

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    Question about opel - combo life(2020):

    me gustaria cambiar halogenos por led pero no tengo claro que bombillas necesito. un saludo y gracias

    Answer: Buenos días. Necesitamos saber el modelo de bombilla que monta de serie el vehículo. Un saludo.

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    Question about Opel - Mokkax año 2018:

    Hola,he comprado unas bombillas led para el coche y he cambiado las que lleva de carretera que son h7 y funcionan perfectamente,pero cuando he cambiado las de carretera que lleva hb3 no funcionan he comprado también el anulador del Can bus y siguiwn sin funcionan,he vuelto a poner las halógenas que lleva de serie y funcionan perfectamente,quisiera saber cuál es el problema de que no funcionen la led,las he probado sin el anulador del Can bus y tampoco funcionan,puede ser que las bombillas estén mal?muchas gracias

    Answer: Buenos días. Por favor, ¿Nos podría documentar el problema que le surge con el kit de bombillas LED?. Quedamos pendientes para poder darle solución Reciba un cordial saludo.

Do you have questions about how to order? Check out our video where we clarify all the steps: