Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and bike is without a doubt the best option to protect the interior of our vehicle of the solar rays, as well as to give a modern look and present.
On this occasion, we worked with the brand Edo Films, one of the leaders worldwide in the tinted windows.
The Kit tinted moons 85% for car and motorbike it is a vinyl self-adhesive for easy installation, we have several opacities different according to the needs of each client.
When you have an 85% opacity, we get a dark moon almost full, so that reduciremos the heat inside the vehicle, plus get a sporty look to your vehicle
Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and bike is a sheet anti-scratch and have a thickness of 0.40 mm, ideal for installation in motor vehicles and motorcycles.
Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and bike is fully approved, so we can pass MOT.
Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and bike includes a sheet of 76 cm x 300 cm, stickers, approval and installation instructions.
Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and bike, the ideal product to have our tinted windows, thus protecting the interior of our vehicle of UVA and giving a modern look and to our vehicle.
Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and motorcycle let light through to 25%, which has an opacity of 85%
Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and bike is a sheet anti-scratch and have a thickness of 0.40 mm. Easy to install, it is the most simple and economic dyed our moons.
When you have an 85 % opacity, we get a dark moon almost full, with which you can reduce the heat inside the vehicle, plus get a sporty look to your vehicle
Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and motorbike it is a vinyl of the brand Edo Films, one of the brand leaders in the market of the tinted windows.
Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and bike is fully homologated, so that we can move on ITV.
How to install Kit tinted moons 85% for car and bike?
• In the first place, we should remove the protective film, to prevent wrinkles during the separation, we recommend using a piece of adhesive tape.
• For placement on the side windows, in the first place, we must leave the window clean, we recommend soap and water and a squeegee glass cleaning.
• Then rociaremos the surface with soap and plenty of water and slowly install the sheet separating little by little the second protective film.
• To set the slide, we must treat the surface with water and begin to level the film, the movements should be from right to left and top to bottom.
• Once we installed the slide, we must leave to dry for two to three days.
• If still the remains of air or bubbles, remove with a hair dryer at a temperature not exceeding 200 ° C
As always, in Audioledcar, we have a service technician that will be happy to resolve any doubt or question.
Kit-tinted moons 85% for car and bike includes a sheet of 76 cm x 300 cm, stickers, approval and installation instructions.
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