Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike

  • Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike
  • Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike
  • Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike
Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike
  • Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike
  • Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike
  • Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike

Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike is without a doubt the best option to protect the interior of our vehicle of the solar rays, as well as to give a modern look and present.

On this occasion, we worked with the brand Edo Films, one of the leaders worldwide in tintado of moons.

The Kit tinted glass 65% for car and motorbike it is a vinyl self-adhesive for easy installation, we have several opacities different according to the needs of each client.

The method of use is very simple, just we need to cut the vinyl with the extent of the moon, apply a little soap and water and install with a spatula, and heat, is to be made by the interior of the moon. For windows doors, it is recommended to perform the installation little by little, ensuring that you do not peel to download the same

Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike is a sheet anti-scratch and have a thickness of 0.40 mm, ideal for installation in motor vehicles and motorcycles.

Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike is fully approved, so we can pass MOT.

Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike includes a sheet of 76 cm x 300 cm, stickers, approval and installation instructions.

Tax included

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Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike, the ideal product to have our tinted windows, modern, and for the best price.

Kit tinted glass 65% for car and motorcycle let light through to a 35%, which has an opacity of 65%

Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike is a sheet anti-scratch and have a thickness of 0.40 mm Easy to install, it is the most simple and economic dyed our moons.

Kit tinted glass 65% for car and motorbike it is a vinyl brand Edo Films, one of the brand leaders in the market of the tinted windows.

Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike includes a sheet of 76 cm x 300 cm, stickers, approval and installation instructions.

Kit tinted glass 65% for car and bike is fully approved, so we can pass MOT.

How to install Kit, tinted glass 65% for car and bike?

In the first place, we should remove the protective film, to prevent wrinkles during the separation, we recommend using a piece of adhesive tape.

For placement on the side windows, in the first place, we must leave the window clean, we recommend soap and water and a squeegee glass cleaning.

Then rociaremos the surface with soap and plenty of water and slowly install the sheet separating little by little the second protective film.

To set the slide, we must treat the surface with water and begin to level the film, the movements should be from right to left and top to bottom.

Once we installed the slide, we must leave to dry for two to three days.

If still the remains of air or bubbles, remove with a hair dryer at a temperature not exceeding 200 ° C

As always, in Audioledcar, we have a service technician that will be happy to resolve any doubt or question.

Do you have questions about how to order? Check out our video where we clarify all the steps: