Sprats for Car key

Sprats key

Sprats key for car online

In Audioledcar you can find sprats of keys for any vehicle. We have a catalog with a wide variety of sprat. Here you will find sprats for models from Ford, Honda, BMW, Toyota, Nissan and many more. Our sprats are manufactured specifically for each model of vehicle-specific for each brand. The quality and the outcome of a key that is practically new is unbeatable.

We have a wide catalog of sprats of keys for car at the best price, check out all the references and models in our online store. If you do not find your model, please consult us. Each car model has sprats key default.

What is the sprat of a car key?

The sprat is part of aluminum (although it may be made of zinc, copper, nickel, brass or even steel in the case of the brands of cars asian). Its function is to open or operate the locks of the car, just enter it into the lock and turn it. Not all sprats fulfil this role. To do this, the sprat must be prepared to operate the lock. Therefore, not all the blades were served to all brands of car.

For a sprat key to work correctly, you must have carved a drawing in accordance with the mechanism of the lock. Otherwise, the pump will not turn on.

What types of sprats for cars are there?

There are several types of sprats for cars, brands to choose according to their characteristics and qualities.

  • Sprat of Serreta: This is one of the most common. We usually find them in the older cars. It has a flat shape and with the same thickness at all parts (beginning to end) and in the stem has a few notches with different depths and lengths. This is the area that makes the code when the key turns.
  • Sprat Regatta: the new generations of vehicles have keys with this type of sprat. Like the previous one, also is flat and has the same thickness in all its parts. But it has a built-in groove in the center, which is not uniform. The drawing of this groove is what makes the code to be able to turn the lock and open the doors or start the car.
  • Sprat Cross: as its name indicates, the watch there is a cross with four parts. This type is widely used in homes of cars such as Fiat, Citroen and Peugeot. Depending on the model, usually carved, the code of a turn on two of the sides, or even four, if necessary.
  • Sprat of Tibbe: this is a type of sprat of car key is a little less common. Usually used in the houses of cars such as Jaguar or Ford. Their shape is cylindrical with different textures on the ends, which are the ones that set up the codes for the turn.
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Customer Questions and Answers

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    Question about Opel - corsa B:

    Chave completa com comando.

    Answer: Bom Dia. Não temos produto para o modelo de carro indicado Uma saudação cordial.

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    Question about Skoda - Fabia wagon 2009:

    Come avviare il telecomando?

    Answer: Buon pomeriggio Mi scusi ma vendiamo solo lo spratto vergine. non facciamo alcun tipo di codifica Ti auguro il meglio

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    Question about Volkswagen - Passat 2002:

    Tem chaves completas ou não para esse veículo?

    Answer: Boa tarde, Dispomos de carcaças e chaves compatíveis com algumas marcas do grupo VAG, mas não estão indicadas como específicas para o modelo que nos fala. Se desejar, pode enviar-nos uma imagem da chave original para verificarmos a compatibilidade. Tudo de bom.

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    Question about Mercedes - Vito W638:

    Hola! Me gustaría saber si podriais tener o encargar kit de reparación de espadin tanto para la puerta del piloto como la del copiloto. Gracias y un saludo

    Answer: Buenos días. Lo sentimos, pero no trabajamos con ese tipo de artículo. Reciba un cordial saludo.

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