Key BMW, housings and Covers | Copies and duplicates


Housings and cases for key BMW. Duplicate and copy key Bmw

Store specializing in key Bmw where you will be able to find a replacement, a copy of a key from Bmw or a cover to protect it. In addition we sell other accessories such as sprats, chips, transponders, housings, decorative or silicone liners.

We have a wide range of keys Bmw for your car. Choose the one that best suits your car and makes a duplicate key Bmw. To do this we will need to know several parameters that we will explain below, but first let's explain how it works a car key

How does a key to a car Bmw?

Unlike a normal key, the keys of the cars are electronic and have several details that need to be taken into account. The key of a Bmw is the set of three pieces indispensable: sprat, electronic (control) and chip transponder.

Sprat works exactly like the key of a house, that is to say, we'll be recording in a locksmith (some modern cars operate without a sprat directly). On the other hand we have an electronic key Bmw. This is responsible for opening the car, what we call remote control and is the one that needs stack. This typically can be programmed by following a sequence of steps that you will find in the manual of the car. To finish we have a chip transponder. It is a special chip that is used in the keys to the car and program it to the car to start. Works without battery as it goes by electromagnetic waves. If this chip transponder Bmw is not scheduled, we will not start the car.

Once purchased a copy of the key to Bmw, what should I do?

The steps are simple, you have to catch all keys that have the car, go to any shop specializing in keys of car (there are already quite a few, do a Google search and sure there are a few in your city) and they will program the chip transponder, the electronics, and you will record the sprat of your key for Bmw.

So don't you ever break your key, we recommend to put a sleeve wrench Bmw. These protect the keys to the car from bumps and water splashes.

Specialists in copies and duplicates of keys Bmw

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Customer Questions and Answers

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    Question about BMW - X1:

    Precio Copia llave de BMW X1 del 2018

    Answer: Buenos días. Lo sentimos pero no realizamos copias de llaves Un saludo.

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    Question about BMW x3 - X3:

    Necesito hacer una copia de la llave

    Answer: Buenos días. Lamentablemente es un servicio que nosotros no realizamos, lo sentimos. Un saludo.

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    Question about Bmw - Z4:

    Coste duplicado de llave, año 2005

    Answer: Buenos días, lamentablemente no ofrecemos servicios de duplicado de llaves, lo sentimos. Reciba un cordial saludo.

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    Question about BMW - Serie 1 pack M:

    Como pisso fazer um duplicado da chave

    Question about BMW - Serie 1 pack M:

    Como posso fazer um duplicado da chave

    Answer: Bom Dia, Não fazemos codificação nem duplicamos chaves, desculpe. Temos conchas e chaves vazias, sem chips ou componentes eletrônicos. Com os melhores cumprimentos.

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    Question about bmw - X5-E53:

    hola. hacen duplicado de llave rombo del bmw X5 - E53

    Answer: Buenos días. Lo sentimos, pero no realizamos duplicados de llave. Reciba un cordial saludo.

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    Question about Bmw - e46 320d e46 150cv 110kw touring restyling anno 2004:

    Buongiorno vorrei sapere se e possibile evvettuare 1 duplicato chiave se e possibile vorrei sapere i costi di 1 chiave con telecomando o chiave senza telecomando Cordiali saluti

    Answer: Buon pomeriggio, Siamo spiacenti, ma non realizziamo chiavi doppie. Un cordiale saluto.

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    Question about BMW/(E87) Serie 1 Coupe - 116I 5-PUERTAS ./UH31:

    Necesitaria una copia y programación de una llave adicional apra mi coche

    Answer: Buenos días. Lo sentimos, pero no realizamos duplicados de llave. Un cordial saludo.

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    Question about BMW E46 - 320D:

    minha chave ficou sem bateria e queria trocar

    Answer: Bom dia, Você deve saber qual modelo de bateria sua chave possui para substituí-la. Tudo de bom.

Do you have questions about how to order? Check out our video where we clarify all the steps: