Cleaning Tires
All the products of the best brands for the cleaning tires car at the best price. We have all the news about the market. The best brands: Chemical Guys, Sisbrill, Meguiar's, and Auto Finesse
As we well know, the wheels of our cars are one of the most important parts of the vehicle. To be the part that is in contact with the floor and the part that holds the pills is without a doubt the most dirt receives.
Therefore, in Audioledcar, we have made a selection of the best clean wheels and accessories in the market.
What kind of cleaner should I choose to clean my tires?
In the market we will find a multitude of options, with different formulas, mode of employment and finishes.
But, What is the best option for my vehicle? In this case we must take into account several factors.
The first and most important is what type of cleaning I want to do and that type of tire?
If we want to make for example, a maintenance cleaning, we can use a neutral cleaner, without decontamination ferric iron, in this case, we recommend the Diablo gel Chemical, a cleaner that is very powerful, for any type of tire.
If, on the contrary, we want to perform a thorough cleaning, eliminating brake lining and deep seated dirt, we have to use another type of cleanser, to be able to be with decontaminant ferric iron, in this case we can use a V60 of Sisbrill , the Wheel cleaner ultra Kenotek or Wheel cleaner bleeding of Bad Boys
What is a decontamination ferric and when should you use it?
The decontamination iron is a specific product to remove the remains of ferodo pads that accumulate over time in our wheels and bodywork.
This type of product are very aggressive, so use it with caution, as many once every 6 months.
Keep in mind, that this type of product can only be used on tires that do not have any type of coating or treatment.
In this case we could use the Iron cut of Chemical guys or the Red One of Sisbrill.
Is there a clean tires with decontaminant iron that won't damage my tires?
Thanks to the wide range of our brands, we find within this category, clean rims with a small concentration of decontamination, which will allow us to its regular use without harm to our tire.
In this case as examples we have of the V60 of Sisbrill , the Wheel cleaner ultra Kenotek or Wheel cleaner bleeding of Bad Boys
What happens if I have a treatment in my tires?
In this case, we discard the use of any product with decontaminant iron, either in high or low concentration, as when it is applied eliminaríamos such treatment.
If this is your case, tranquil, we have a solution, we stock a range of neutral products with great cleaning power, like the Devil gel Chemical or Wheel cleaner.
However, we always recommend speaking with the professional that we apply the treatment for that we advise that type of cleaning can be performed.
What kind of accessories should I use to clean my tires?
In this case, will depend on the type of cleanser to use, if it is a cleaner decontamination will not be necessary to use any accessory, just apply and leave it, then clear it up with water and we would have completed the process.
For the rest of the cleaning we recommend the use of cleaning brushes of Chemical guys, a safe bet to keep our rims impeccable.
What brand should I choose?
All our brands are of the highest quality:
· Chemical Guys : is one of the brands with more baggage inside the world of a detailed vehicle, without a doubt, a sure bet in the maintenance of our car.
· Kenotek : one of the most recognized brands on the European level, their product are of high quality and easy application.
· Bad boys: a brand with an outstanding presentation and a power cleaning spectacular.
· Sisbrill: a Spanish brand of huge prestige, and a formulation to the last.
Without a doubt, any choice you make will be successful. Each brand includes a great range of products.
If you have any questions, our customer service will be happy to resolve any further questions you may have.
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