Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)

  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)
  • Deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)

Air deflectors for Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -) for the windows front of the car of mark DGA®. Material of first quality and fully approved. Recommended for its use to prevent air, dirt and water. Not turn yellow and will not crack with the sun. Product fully recommended. This product will be stuck on the door frame.

Manufacturing time: 4-9 business days. During the months of November, December and January (high season), some references may experience delays of up to 30 business days. If you are urgent, consult your specific reference.

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Air Deflector Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)

Kit deflectors air Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -). Ideal to install in windows and prevent the entry of air, dirt and water. Very comfortable, practical, easy-to-install and fully approved. Manufactured in high quality material and with maximum performance. Color smoked.

  • Derivabrisas for Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -) compatible with the chassis, and the version
  • Reference: 1.195.29F1103
  • The kit contains the two air deflectors front.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the photos are generic. You will receive in your house a few derivabrisas Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -) with the same shape and size of your vehicle.

The auto ventshade Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -)they are very simple to install, simply paste them in the frame of the door and ready. The reason they go stuck in the door frame is to prevent the window from getting stuck when you get on, as space is extremely small. Do not crack, do not turn yellow by the sun and endure in time as the first day. Recommended product.

Manufactured in plastic ABS of last generation and the trademark DGA®. With the headquarters of Europe in Portugal, DGA is one of the largest manufacturers of wind deflectors air for Aixam Sensation, City, Coupé, Crossline, 3-door (2016 -). Manufacturing derivabrisas car from 1890.

Do you have questions about how to order? Check out our video where we clarify all the steps:

Customer Questions and Answers

  • Logo mensaje

    Question about Windabweiser - Aixam Crossline Premium, BJ 2016:

    Hallo, ich interessieren mich für die Windabweiser für Aixam Crossline Premium, BJ 2016. Ich würde gerne wissen, ob diese Windabweiser vom TÜV "abgenommen" wurden, da ich erfahren habe, das es sonst Probleme mit der Versicherung geben kann, wenn doch mal so ein Teil wegfliegt oder bei einem Unfall Schaden anrichtet. Viellecht können Sie mir hier Auskunft geben. Vielen Dank, MFG Ute Brandes

  • Logo mensaje

    Question about AIXAM EMOTION - CITY SPORT Bj 2022:

    Suche für das o.g. Fahrzeug Windabweiser. HabenSie sowas?

    Answer: Hallo. Es tut uns leid, aber wir haben keinen Deflektor für Ihr Modell. Alles Gute.

  • Logo mensaje

    Question about Aixam - Crossover sensation 2016:

    Deflectores que modelo le serviría y sin tornillos el que se monta en el cristal y el bastidor, que no lleva tornillos

    Answer: Buenos días. Lo sentimos pero no disponemos de deflectores para ese modelo. Un saludo.

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    Question about Aixam - Miniauto S1 2005:

    Buenas tardes disponen de deflectores para el coche en cuestión?

    Answer: Buenos días. No, lo lamentamos, Un saludo.

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    Question about Aixam - Crossline Evo 2023:

    Hallo,passen diese Windabweiser auch beim Aixam Crossline Evo Baujahr 2023 ? Gruß Ralf

    Answer: Hallo. Ja, sie sind mit diesem Modell kompatibel Ein herzlicher Gruß.

    Question about Aixam - Crossline Evo 2023:

    Hallo,ich habe Interesse an dem Windabweiser für einen Aixam Crossline Evolution Baujahr 2022.In der Anzeige schreiben Sie dass die auch zugelassen sind.Gibt es dazu Papiere ? Muss man die beim TÜV eintragen lassen ? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ralf Steffen

    Answer: Guten Morgen. Wir spüren es, haben aber kein Genehmigungspapier, da es in Spanien nicht erforderlich ist. Ein Gruß.