To know which side of the blade is the one that goes on top of the water, we will have to wet our fingertips, and touch the foil on both sides. The part that sticks to our fingers will be touching the water.
No, we do not provide customization of sheets. We have a wide variety of models on our website.
No, the hidroimpresión can be done by anyone, just by following the step-by-step instruction manual. We also have several kits to get started in the world of hidroimpresión.
Yes, this technique can be used for the parts of your car that you want to decorate. We recommend small parts, therefore, the technique is to water, and, the larger the piece, much greater must be the bucket that we use with water.
Yes, can be removed using sandpaper. The hidroimpresión doesn't always make it right on the first try, so that you can sand the piece decorated and try again.
Yes, we have a video tutorial in our Youtube channel how to make hidroimpresión to make this easier. You can view the article at the following link:
It is not required but we recommend it for use as a primer. Also with the base you will get the film to highlight more.