Specific browsers Audi

Buy browser touch Audi online

Are you looking for a browser-specific multimedia for car Audi? In our online shop you will find all the necessary devices to install a browser on your Audi for the best prices. In our catalog we have screen audi a4, browser, audi a6, screens, audi q5 screen, audi a3 and many other models of specific browsers for cars Audi.

If you are looking for reliability and usability in your browser, we recommend you take a look at our catalog of browsers Audi. In addition, any questions you have at the time of purchase, or choose, you'll be able to consult with our experts. We will gladly help you that you can choose the best browser Audi for your car.

What is a web browser for Audi?

GPS navigators Audi are devices that help, and guide when you're on the road with guides and maps to help you to get to your destination. Basically, they are devices of location and positioning that tells you the best route to follow to reach the destination that you have marked. Browsers Audi, they also have more features such as information on voice, storage options, loading media files (photos and videos), and multiple connectivity options.

Why buy a navigator for Audi car?

Despite the fact that our own mobile applications for free that make us the work of GPS navigator, having a browser that is own in your car will provide you with even more things, and above all the driving. Thanks to the browsers of Audi , you can have all the information related to your car, the route and the communications centralized and monitored in a single device. This is an important advantage, because thanks to the browsers of Audi you will be able to avoid any distractions while you're behind the wheel, because the screen is much larger and more comfortable viewing while driving.


In Audioledcar we want to keep up to date in the technological world, and for this we want to introduce you to the new section of specific browsers for the Audi brand. Why do we recommend putting a browser-specific Audi? We work with the best company in the sector of media, Corvy. A manufacturing company Spanish prepared to ensure the client the best results. I want to make a request for a specific browser for my Audi, how is it done? The first thing you should know is that all orders must be placed by the web page to attach the two documents that necessarily ask for. What are these documents? The technical sheet of the vehicle and a photo of the dashboard and the original radio is in the vehicle. These photos are spent at the factory so that we can verify that the product is totally valid. Why the browsers of Corvy, are so special? We recommend this brand to your Audi because each browser comes fully equipped for your vehicle with everything needed for installation. In addition to several extras such as a USB connector where you can charge your mobile without any problem or connect different connections compatible with usb. In addition, also a reader SD. I want to put a web browser for my Audi to listen to Spotify, is it compatible? First of all, we strongly recommend that you see the product specifications for your model of car. We've already updated the database and you specify if you have carplay wireless, or wired. I bought a browser-specific Audi for my A3. Can I have the instruction manual to install it? We know that many of our clients want to make themselves the installation but we have to keep in mind that these products are complex in terms of its installation. For this reason, we recommend that you seek or is informed in advance of a workshop specialized in multimedia-sound. If you reside in Madrid in Audioledcar we can give you the name of one of the best workshops for the installation of web browsers. I would like to have a browser for my car since the coming of series always fails... do with a browser-specific that doesn't happen? Do not worry, because with the new GPS technology, these devices will help you in all your routes precisely in order to reach your destination. Its function is like all browsers, have a location to indicate the best routes to the driver. Yes it is true that you can use the mobile, but as well we saved the wear and tear of the battery. In Audioledcar we offer to show them the best of the browsers that are specific to your Audi. If there is any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact with us in any forms: email, phone or chat of the web page, our technical service will be happy to assist you.

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