Brilliant Wash - Kenotek®
As good loc@s of the cleaning of vehicles, kenotek has created THE shampoo professional finish with an extreme brightness.
This product is a foam, with brighteners that will return the brightness to the vehicle as the first day.
It respects any finish of the vehicle, leaving him with the brightness of the first day.
We always recommend to all our customers before using the product, try it out on a surface to see the result of the before and after.
The amount of the product is of one liter (1L)
Brilliant Wash - Kenotek®
This product is one of the most acclaimed by our clients, owing to the obtained result.
In addition to being a shampoo foam with substances abrillantadoras, contain ingredients that allow that you do not run any remaining water in the body and is fast drying.
It is a product that respects any other substance that the vehicle carrying of series (such as, for example, waxes)
The shampoo contains the essence of grapefruit so the smell is very pleasant.
Mode of employment:
You will need a bucket of warm water (at a temperature of 26 ° C – 41 ° C) and diluiremos two plugs in the cube.
Next, we take the product onto the vehicle or of a sponge-specific vehicle or but a glove wool.
After will wash the car, clear it up with water and leave to dry.
The amount of the product is of one liter (1L)
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