Batteries industrial vehicles Calcium-Silver

Batteries industrial vehicles Calcium-Silver

Buy batteries for industrial vehicles calcium-silver

Do you use a commercial vehicle? Do you drive a truck, bus, tractor, etc? If your commercial vehicle has left lying by the fault of the battery, or notes that this is beginning to fail, don't suffer. In Audioledcar, online store, accessories, components and spare parts for cars, you will find the best batteries for industrial vehicles calcium-silver at a very affordable price. We have the best catalog of batteries for industrial vehicles calcium-silver so that you can re-launch your vehicle at the best price online.


The battery is an indispensable element in any car. Of the same form occurs in industrial vehicles, is in charge of ensuring your boot and directly responsible, also, that all the electrical components of the vehicle to operate correctly. For this reason, we recommend you always buy a battery of calcium-silver of the highest quality.


In Audioledcar we have batteries for cars industrial that fit your vehicle without any problems. If you decide to purchase any of our batteries for industrial vehicles, you can rest assured that you will not have problems with the capacity and performance of the same. It is battery reliable as provided by our suppliers of car batteries. We always work with professionals of the highest quality.


In our catalog of batteries for industrial vehicles calcium-silver you will find batteries of two well-known manufacturers: Mutlu and Mega. Both are characterized by being fully reliable, economic and of excellent quality. When you choose the one that you need to your vehicle, you will be able to find batteries for cars indsutriales 105 AH, 140 AH 190 AH 225 AH , and 240 AH. ¡Recommended by leading manufacturers of industrial vehicles!

How does a lithium-calcium-silver?

If you are looking to purchase a battery of calcium-silver to your vehicle's industrial, it'll be great to know how to work this type of batteries.


Use a special grids made of an alloy of calcium-silver submerged in electrolyte water-acid. As a result of combining these elements, the batteries of calcium-silver offer a number of features that are very positive to take into account.


On the one hand, the wear and corrosion of the batteries calcium-silver is less. Your level of start-up power is also superior to that of another type of battery, and we must not forget the fact that high temperatures affect them less. All this, added to its self-discharge is less than (lose up to 80% less fluid), makes it a perfect option to buy a battery for vehicle, industrial calcium-silver.

How long will a battery of calcium-silver?

The duration of a lithium-calcium-silver is slightly superior to that of a car battery to use. The latter have a duration of approximately 5 years, while the batteries of calcium-silver can last for up to 6 years on average. This is primarily due to the benefits they offer batteries for industrial vehicles of calcium-and silver-lengthening considerably its useful life.

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