Base Hidroimpresión White

  • Base Hidroimpresión White
  • Base Hidroimpresión White
Base Hidroimpresión White
  • Base Hidroimpresión White
  • Base Hidroimpresión White

Base hidroimpresión white. Special Base for hidroimpresión: covers quickly, dries quickly and does not react to the do the hidroimpresión on top of it.

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Base hidroimpresión white. Special Base for hidroimpresión: covers quickly, dries quickly and does not react to the do the hidroimpresión on top of it.

What is the base hidroimpresión white?

The final finish of the hidroimpresión is a combination between the film that we use and on which color is applied (the color of the piece). If our piece did not have the color indicated we will need to paint it beforehand with the desired base. Keep in mind that the picture of hidroimpresión it is not opaque at all so that they show through the background color

How do we know which base to choose?

It is simple, we will look at the picture of hidroimpresión and we will see which is the paler colour of all that has the drawing. We will choose the basis that it looks better with that color. The base cut is the white because it combines with almost everything but there is that look one-to-one.

Most common examples of combination sheet hidroimpresión+base:

-Sheets Camouflage: The ideal is to use grey primer or wood depending on if we want to make it more opaque or less. We can also use white base if we want to be more blunt.

-Sheeting Wood: The ideal is to use a base wood. If non-white is also good.

-Sheets Carbon: ideally, base grey/silver or white.

-Sheets Sticker Bomb: The ideal is to base white.

Specialists in base hidroimpresón white. Any questions contact us

Do you have questions about how to order? Check out our video where we clarify all the steps: