Pneumatic BMW
On this occasion, we present to you the original spare parts for pneumatic suspension BMW.
The pneumatic suspension, are an extra that bring a lot of comfort and a multitude of options to enhance and personalize the driving, but as with any item of a vehicle, suffers from wear and tear, so that it is vital to have a spare of good quality.
But, What is an air suspension BMW, and how it differs from a conventional suspension?
When purchasing a vehicle, we will find a multitude of options, in which suspension is concerned, suspension, traditional, sports suspension, air suspension...
But what is the difference between an air suspension of the rest of suspensions?
An air suspension is a suspension that instead of using oil as suspensions traditional, use air to cushion the potential impacts of the sign of the road, in addition, this system includes the option to adjust the height of the suspension, according to the needs of the user, that is to say we can get the vehicle to the height that we want according to the type of driving you are going to make, for example, if we are to make a driving along the dual carriageway, can we lower the vehicle to improve the aerodynamic grip of the same to the soil, if we are going to make driving off-road, we can increase the height of the vehicle to prevent knocks and scrapes on the underside of the vehicle, if we're going to charge the vehicle, we can modify the height to improve access l boot and have greater comfort.
In short, air suspension BMW offers us a multitude of options that will improve our day-to-day.
What parts it consists of a pneumatic suspension BMW?
Air suspension BMW has many elements, mainly, consists of 4 parts, the shock, the olive, the compressor and valve block, each of these parts plays a key role in the operation of the air suspension BMW, then we will describe for each element of this suspension.
In the first place, we find the shock absorber, is the most important element, which performs the function of absorbing the blow or impact produced by the firm, and therefore in charge of giving comfort, both in normal driving and off road.
In second place we have the olive, this element is crucial in a pneumatic suspension, is the element in charge of modifying the height of the suspension up or down depending on the amount of air introduced into the cell, is the most important element, and the time the more you suffer, so it is very easy that if your air suspension is failing, the item damaging is this.
In the third place, we find ourselves with the compressor, this element is crucial for the correct operation, since it is in charge of pushing air to the suspension, thus allowing for the rise and fall of the same, according to demand of the driver.
Finally, we find the valve block, this device is in charge of distributing the air to the suspension, is another of the elements with higher wear and tear, since they can clog up, which will influence the behavior of the suspension.
We're also going to find suspension complete with olive including, for if we have to replace the entire system, wear, breakage or accident.
How do I know which element of the air suspension BMW is valid for my model?
We stock a search engine, in which we will be able to find all the items that are available to our model, however, as always, in Audioledcar we have a technical team who will be happy to assist you and resolve any questions you may have.
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